Monday, March 22, 2010

March Madness!

march, the time of year when all of the men in my life suddenly lose the capability to hear absolutely anything that I am saying because of one thing: college basketball. this is a picture of dad and andrew filling out their brackets, intense. it's funny because being this into sports is something that has defined my idea of what a man should be. it would be really weird to be if andrew wasn't into sports in an intense way. also, if i didn't have dad and josh i would probably be totally confused by andrew's strange behavior. after all, we had to meet a nondescript man, at a hole in the wall bar, on a wednesday night, just to drop andrew's brackets off. josh however, is probably the worst offender. he had the girls at work act out the mascots of each of the 64 teams so that kira could choose HER OWN BRACKET. when she smiled at the acting, that was her choice. wow. i wonder when she'll figure out that maybe this isn't totally normal. anyway, after all of the men calm down and stop the screaming and shouting and betting and predicting, i have to say, that deep down i really enjoy the madness. i like to cheer for the underdog and see how excited the fans get, basketball is something that brings people together, united behind a team of 20 something boys. i smile and i wonder if the packed house at 8am mass this morning had anything to do with the gonzaga game starting at 9:10 am... madness, isn't it?

1 comment:

Abby said...

Haha! I love your fam... :)

p.s. While you were at that hole in the wall bar, did you happen to see any of my co-workers..? lol

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