Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have been getting all of my shots for the nursing program. And being the genius that I am I decided that it would be a good idea to get an H1N1 shot just in case, why not?? Well, today I got a second TB test, apparently they don't trust just one, and swung on over for my H1N1 shot. Woo!
I felt really crappy after my seasonal flu shot but somehow thought this would be different. Hmmm.
Now I am sitting at my desk wishing I could go and take a nap, anywhere.
Did I mention the outrageous amont of chocolate I'm eating? There are just some times when other things hurt that I assume that eating gobs of comfort food will help. Not today.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Sorry you're not feeling well!!!! I guess I won't run out and get vaccinated anytime soon...haha, as if I was going to in the first place, right? ;)

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