Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A little bit of life

Last week I got to spend a lot of time with these two girls. Maybe it was the intoxication of the fair food, maybe it was the country music, or getting caught in the rain with them. Whatever it was I couldn't help but reminisce about how these girls have taught me to be a little bit country. Because of them I have ridden a horse, learned to love country music, sung at the top of my lungs at countless country concerts, looked at steer butts, cheered on pooper scoopers at the community parade, learned about: rodeo, fair, farm life, working hard, toughening up. All of these things are memories and lessons that I cherish.

1 comment:

Abby said...

And got to witness the birth of a calf! Haha

I'm glad we're friends. :)

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