Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lost in the Rush

I thought I would have so much time.
Thought I would be bored, lazy, well-read, relaxed and rested.
Thought that I would wonder what to do with myself.

Here I am at the other side of my relaxing summer months wondering what in the world happened.
I had little time.
I was never close to bored, or well-read or well-rested. Possibly I was relaxed and maybe even a wee bit lazy once or twice.
I did not ever want for something to do with myself.

Instead I: laughed. sighed. talked. and talked. smiled. visited. caught up. read. not well-read, but read. splashed. lounged. ate. cooked. planned. packed. unpacked. repacked. drove. flew. biked. hiked. sang.


Abby said...

You've been a busy lady!! :)

p.s. Your mention of singing reminded me of the summer in our little-room-by-the-bathroom. Your constant exclamations of "I LOVE this song". And, of course, the newsletter that talked about our reunion tour, your tone-deafness, and my ice cream eating accolades. Good times. Haha!

Caitlin Erin said...

Yes, we have quite a friendship under our belt at this point, don't we :)

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